Entrance junction in Pinarella di Cervia

Entrance junction in Pinarella di Cervia


Entrance junction in Pinarella di Cervia

Multi-level entrance junction to the Adriatica state road in the Municipality of Cervia

The project consists of the overall reorganization of the existing accesses to the S.S.16 Adriatica state road in the territory of Pinarella (RA), at the flush intersection between the state road and former S.S.71bis road. A multi-level junction was designed, with an underpass crossing the adjacent Ravenna-Rimini railway line and a direct connection with the internal municipal traffic. The works involved several subjects: the Province of Ravenna, the Municipality of Cervia, ANAS, RFI and the Emilia-Romagna Region Emilia-Romagna.

It was possible to achieve the following goals:

  • Safety improvement of a critical connection between the S.S.16 and the ex S.S.71 bis roads, by enhancing the road network and traffic flows;
  • Removal of the three existing level crossings along the Ravenna-Rimini railway line, namely in Via Caduti della Libertà, in Via Lazio and in Via Casello del Diavolo;
  • Realization of an important road connection, directly leading to the town of Cervia, avoiding flush intersections with the railway line, efficiently connected to the primary and main existing road networks.

Services provided: Work management and Safety Coordination as representative of the temporary joint venture with 2Pigreco srl of Bologna. Duties within the temporary joint venture: Work Management, Safety Coordination and daily assistance.

Client: Municipality of Cervia (RA)

Site: Pinarella di Cervia (RA)

Years: from May 2014 to September 2017

Cost of works: 11.73 million Euros

Railway bridge across the Ferrara waterway

Railway bridge across the Ferrara waterway

Railway bridge across the Ferrara waterway

Railway bridge across the Ferrara waterway in Migliarino (FE).

The project is a part of the general plan to upgrade the “Basso ferrarese” and “Polesano” waterways networks, and aims to contribute to the development of low energy consumption and low environmental impact transportation systems, in compliance with specific European directives.

The project included the building of a new railway bridge across the Ferrara waterway belonging to the Ferrara-Codigoro line, in the municipality of Migliarino. It is made up of five spans: the central one is a lower-way steel structure, the four lateral ones, two on each side, have r.c. slabs cast-in-situ on reinforced concrete prefabricated beams, and it also includes the implementation of the following works:

  • Building of the new railway embankment, including all the works required for railway superstructure and signalling, as well as all the related finishing works;
  • Two underpasses, suitable for vehicles, through the new railway embankment;
  • A box-shaped structure, to provide continuity to a cycle and pedestrian path;
  • A box-shaped structure for the Valcesura draining channel;
  • Alternative routes for municipal roads, also to make it possible to eliminate the existing level crossings;
  • realization of a new cycle and pedestrian path;
  • Public lighting systems, rainwater lifting system, external fittings and finishing works for the relevant systems.

Services provided: Final and execution design, Work Management and Safety Coordination.

Client: A.R.N.I. – Azienda Regionale per la Navigazione Interna, now acquired by A.I.P.O. – Agenzia Interregionale per il Fiume Po

Sites: Municipalities of Migliaro and Migliarino (FE).

Years: 2000 and 2006 for the Planning phase, 2009-2015 for the Work Management.

Cost of works: 8.950 million Euros.

4th lot of the Forlì ring road

4th lot of the Forlì ring road


4th lot of the Forlì ring road

Forlì ring road – Building of the 4th lot

Building of a fourth lot of the eastern ring road of Forlì, by constructing three new junctions, one of which completing a cloverleaf junction already partially built, and three new roundabouts, one of which connecting with the A14 motorway tollbooth, for a total length of about 4,400 metres.

The works belongs to the more complex “Forlì ring road system” (eastern ring road, communication axis). Overall, the eastern ring road is a preferential north-south connection between the town and the Apennines with the main communication roads.

In particular, the 4th lot of the eastern ring road, characterized by a length of about 4.4 kilometres, is the element connecting the A14 motorway tollbooth with the already built lots of the eastern ring road and the communication axis, opened to the traffic in 2013.

The route is characterized by the approximately 314 metres long Mattei overpass, made of ten spans, each 31.4 metres long, which makes it possible to cross the currently existing road network; the new Via Fermi connection allowing the road traffic to move from the 4th lot to the town road network; the bridge over Via Cervese made up of a single span; and many minor works, like cycle and pedestrian overpasses and prefabricated galleries for road manholes or underpasses.

The main axis road section is of type III according to CNR 78/80, includes two carriageways, each with two lanes.

Services provided: Safety coordination during the executive phase.

Client: A.N.A.S. S.p.A. – road network department of Emilia-Romagna

Site: Municipality of Forlì

Years: 2011-2014

Cost of works: 24.35 million Euros

Communication axis in the Forlì ring road

Communication axis in the Forlì ring road


Communication axis in the Forlì ring road

Forlì ring road – Communication axis

Communication axis construction works, 1st lot and 2nd.

The communication axis project, already partially in existence and only open to the traffic on one two-way carriageway, belongs to a wider project, called “Forlì ring road system”.

The scope of the communication axis is to reconnect the east and west extremities of Via Emilia in the town of Forlì, thus recovering and enhancing the function of Via Emilia while also streamlining the town traffic. The operations are divided into two lots, and are characterized by a total length of about 7.230 km, including an artificial tunnel about one kilometre long.

The works envisaged the building of numerous complex structures, including:

  • Roundabouts and underpasses connecting with the town road network;
  • Doubling of the structures along the river Montone, along the Bologna-Ancona railway line, and numerous overpasses crossing municipal roads;
  • An artificial two-way tunnel about one kilometre long, with a skylight pit in the middle and lateral emergency exits;
  • Technological station to control and manage the artificial tunnel, located on its top, with remote control of systems, ENEL booth and anti-fire basin;
  • New connections with the existing road network;
  • Cloverleaf junction connecting the existing eastern ring road and the roundabout accessing the municipal road network.

The final road section is of type III, C.N.R. regulation of 1980, with two carriageways of width 8.75 metres, with two lanes per direction in the first lot, thus increasing the existing road potential, whereas for the second lot it is of type III enlarged, as per ANAS circular letter No. 38 dated 21st September 1999, with two carriageways of 11 metres.

Services provided: Safety coordination during the implementation phase.

Client: A.N.A.S S.p.A. – road network department of Emilia-Romagna.

Site: Municipality of Forlì

Years: 2010-2013

Cost of works: 73.19 million Euros

AT21 Malerba urbanization works in Varese

AT21 Malerba urbanization works in Varese


AT21 Malerba urbanization works in Varese

Series of new road works in the municipality of Varese

The implementation of a series of road works is foreseen, with new road connections, connection ramps and underpasses crossing the motorway and the railway belonging to the Gasparotto – Borri road network, by means of an Intervention Integrated Plan. PI.I. AT21 – Malerba.

The works, divided into two parts with reference to the two areas separated by the motorway connection and the railway line, includes the implementation of:

  • Two new roundabouts in the eastern area of the town, to manage the current traffic flows;
  • A new roundabout in the western area, in a forest zone, connecting it with the planned new road network;
  • Two new exits from the motorway connection;
  • Two railway underpasses crossing the RFI Gallarate – Varese line;
  • An underpass crossing the ANAS motorway connection;
  • Adjustments and connections to the existing road networks;
  • Building of new plants and a sewer network for the planned new structures.

Services provided: Safety coordination in the design and implementation phase.

Client: Esselunga SpA

Site: Municipality of Varese

Years: 2017 – ongoing

Cost of works: 10.5 million Euros

Upgrade of S.P.27 road to Fino Mornasco (CO)

Upgrade of S.P.27 road to Fino Mornasco (CO)


Upgrade of S.P.27 road to Fino Mornasco (CO)

Upgrade of the S.P.27 road in the municipalities of Fino Mornasco and Cassina Rizzardi: works of the first and second lots.

The aim of the works, called P.A. ARTC/PA-3 “VIA RISORGIMENTO”, is to upgrade the urban site of Via Risorgimento (S.P.27), by offering new services to citizens, new possibilities for economic enterprises and new spaces for commercial businesses, in compliance with the provisions of the Territorial Plan currently enforced.

The foreseen urbanization works, preliminary for the realization of a new commercial apportionment, are divided into two functional lots, namely:

  • Lot 1: characterized by the reorganization of the area, including the part of S.P.27 near the A9 motorway tollbooth at Fino Mornasco and the building of an urban roundabout at Cassina Rizzardi;
  • Lot 2: characterized by the reorganization of the main roads leading to the railway stations, while closing the railway level crossing of Via Risorgimento at Fino Mornasco.

First lot

Some necessary urbanization works are foreseen to adjust the existing road network and to upgrade the whole area, which is particularly important because it leads to the Fino Mornasco town centre. The road works include the following:

  • Realizing a compact urban roundabout (D=50.00 m) at the exit of the tollbooth into S.P.27, where a new commercial area and related car parks will also be located;
  • Realizing a compact urban roundabout (D=28.00 m) at the connection between the S.P.27 road (Via Risorgimento) and Via del Martelletto;
  • Realizing a compact urban roundabout (D=28.00) at the intersection between Via del Martelletto, Via Livescia and Via Battisti;
  • Reorganization of the intersection between the S.P.27 road and Via Guanzasca (in the municipality of Cassina Rizzardi);
  • Realizing a new cycle and pedestrian path in Fino Mornasco;
  • Realizing a compact urban roundabout (D=26.00) in the town of Cassina Rizzardi;
  • Adjustment of the public lighting network and of the rainwater drainage network.

Second Lot

The works are required to create an alternative urban route, separated from the Milan-Saronno-Como railway line, and the current road connection between the S.P.27 road and the A9 motorway in the Appiano Gentile area. The works include:

  • Realizing a new underpass for the railway line, by using the Gui.Do bridge technology;
  • Closure of the existing level crossing at the Fino Mornasco railway station;
  • Realizing new lifts at the Fino Mornasco railway stations, by adjusting the architectural elements and the systems;
  • Adjustment of the current traffic flows and upgrade of adjacent areas;
  • Adjustment of the public lighting network and rainwater collection network after constructing a suitable retarding system;
  • Installation of new traffic lights.

Services provided: Safety coordination during the design phase.

Client: Esselunga SpA

Site: Municipalities of Fino Mornasco e Cassina Rizzardi

Years: 2017 – ongoing

Cost of works: 1.8 million Euros for the first lot – 5.8 million Euros for the second lot.

Rotatoria delle Saline a Cervia

Rotatoria delle Saline a Cervia

Rotatoria delle Saline a Cervia

Rotatoria delle Saline in ingresso alla città di Cervia

Il progetto nasce dalla necessità di ammodernare, razionalizzandolo, un incrocio nevralgico, congestionato e particolarmente pericoloso esistente fra la SS. 16 Adriatica e la ex S.S. 254 Cervese a ridosso dell’abitato di Cervia.  Su tale incrocio confluiscono volumi di traffico assai rilevanti, che nella stagione estiva si incrementano in modo esponenziale, con conseguenti disagi alla circolazione ed effetti nocivi sull’ambiente.

L’intervento di progetto prevede la costruzione di un’ampia rotatoria a raso, servita da rami di approccio e raccordo alla viabilità esistente nelle due direttrici principali, finalizzata all’incremento del livello di servizio e sicurezza dell’attuale incrocio, al decongestionamento dei flussi di traffico esistenti ed alla conseguente riduzione degli agenti inquinanti.

Il nuovo asse a circolazione rotatoria presenta un diametro esterno di circa 110 metri, con una larghezza della piattaforma stradale di 12 metri: la pavimentazione sarà realizzata in conglomerato bituminoso miscelato con polverino di gomma da pneumatici fuori uso, prodotto innovativo eco-compatibile che porterà ad un significativo abbattimento delle emissioni sonore.

L’intervento è completato dalla posa di una barriera fonoassorbente integrata idonea a trattenere i veicoli in svio e a limitare l’inquinamento acustico ed atmosferico indotto dal traffico, da una nuova rete di drenaggio asservita ad un impianto di trattamento delle acque di prima pioggia e da un impianto di illuminazione a tecnologia LED.

I lavori comprendono l’adeguamento di tutte le reti tecnologiche interferite, quali acquedotto, gas, fognatura, distribuzione elettrica, linee telefoniche, oltre al completamento del grosso collettore fognario comunale di via Martiri Fantini.  Lo opere di protezione della condotta a servizio dell’Acquedotto della Romagna sono state preliminarmente eseguite da Romagna Acque Società delle Fonti.

Prestazione svolta: Progettazione esecutiva, Direzione lavori e Coordinamento Sicurezza. 

Committente: Comune di Cervia (RA)

Sito: Cervia (RA)

Anno: Settembre 2017, in corso

Importo lavori: 1,453 milioni di euro